We all know that predators have very strong jaws. It doesn’t even make sense to say that the bite of a lion or a bear is very powerful and killing.
But what about dogs? Although they have lived side by side with people for hundreds of years, they descended from predatory wolves. And how strong can they bite? Meet the top breeds with the most powerful jaws with detailed descriptions today!
Kangal Shepherd Dog
This is the absolute record holder in our top. This breed has the highest bite force among all dogs (1700 N). This is the same as that of a lion, only 270 N less than that of a polar bear and three times more than the power of a wolf bite!
But luckily these dogs are rather peaceful. They are friendly and even gentle to people and children. This breed has been created as a watchdog. And it can protect you against anyone with its killing fangs. But at the same time, it immensely loves the owner and will never harm him and his family.

Jaw power of 1650 N (approximately the same as alligator and leopard have!) makes this breed one of the leaders in bite strength among all domestic dogs. The only good news is that the mastiff is rather friendly and, with proper upbringing, is not prone to unmotivated outbursts of aggression.

The average compression ratio of their jaw is 1500 N. And this is not the only danger that this breed’s teeth are characterized by. These dogs have a special scissor-like bite: the upper jaw covers the lower one. Thanks to this feature, such a dog can easily pull out a piece of flesh while biting.

Even an untrained representative of this breed develops bite strength up to 1450 N. And this is the same as that of the formidable predator snow leopard! No wonder that this breed used to be the most popular of the fighting dogs. So powerful jaws in combination with a large physique and an aggressive character make this dog an unbeatable fighter.

This breed has almost the same bite strength as the previous one does (1430 N). But at the same time, these dogs are considered less aggressive and better amenable to training. However, such strong jaws didn’t go unnoticed. Thanks to them, these dogs are often used as police and guard ones.
American Staffordshire

These dogs were bred for a long time specifically for dog fights. Their bite strength is one of the most record-breaking (1250 N). Besides, representatives of this breed are very aggressive and hardy. Without proper education and careful training, such a dog is a real danger to the people and other pets around!
Bull terrier

Despite its small size, this dog has one of the greatest bite forces (1100 N). Besides, it has another feature that makes its fangs deadly. This breed can hold a victim in its teeth for up to three hours, and it is almost impossible to unclench its jaws!
German Shepherd

Jaw strength of a young representative of this breed is 1030 N. The one older than 2 years has teeth power of 1300 N. But these dogs are very intelligent, even-tempered, and obedient. They don’t hurry to use their steel grip unnecessarily. These dogs never show aggression for no reason. But such strong teeth help them successfully serve in the police and be excellent guards!

These giants have an impressive bite force, which is 940 N (1,5 times more than wolf has). But at the same time, they’ve got a good-natured disposition. Dogs of this breed are very attached to their owners and value communication with humans. They are also often friendly to strangers. Therefore, they are not very successful as guards. They are rather good companions and friends.
But, unfortunately, such dogs are unlikely to get along with other pets. They can often show aggression towards other pets that encroach on their personal space.
American bulldog

Muscular and robust, this breed has one of the strongest bites (760 N, the same as the brown bear has).
It was originally created as a farm dog. And such a steel jaw was supposed to help it act as a bodyguard when necessary.
Later it began to be used as a fighting dog. Developed muscles, a stocky physique, and powerful jaws help it defeat even a larger rival.