Does dog loyalty depend on the breed? Scientists believe that such a character trait as loyalty is genetically inherent in domestic dogs. The ancient ancestors of modern pets lived in packs and obeyed the leader unconditionally. A specific representative of the species could even sacrifice his own life if the survival and well-being of the entire pack depended on this.
And today, millennia later, our four-legged friends see the leaders in their owners. Therefore, dogs remain loyal to their owners in any situation. And the extent to which this character trait is expressed may depend on the breed.
We have compiled the top-10 most loyal dog breeds, whose devotion is confirmed by numerous feats and stories from life. You can expect the same level of dedication when choosing a puppy of the breed from our list. But keep in mind that other character traits may differ because each dog is individual.
Akita Inu

This is the undisputed leader in loyalty. It was this breed that the brave Japanese samurai chose as their assistants in the service of the emperor. And 70 years ago, Akita Inu named Hachiko showed his boundless devotion and has become a symbol of loyalty forever.
In May 1925, his owner died. But the dog came to the train station and waited for him until dusk every day. The dog was not abandoned by the owner’s relatives. They tried to place Hachiko in familiar families, but despite this, he kept on coming to the station and waiting for his owner. Train station workers, local vendors, and passers-by who knew the whole story were amazed at this loyalty.
Hachiko became famous throughout Japan in 1932 after the publication of a newspaper with a note about this devoted dog, who had been waiting for the return of its deceased owner for more than 7 years.
The dogs of this breed are very affectionate and want to spend as much time together with their owners as possible. Also, they are ready to protect the owner from any aggression.
They are quite smart and master commands rather easily.
But the main disadvantage is increased anxiety in insufficient enclosed spaces. That is why small properties are not suitable for these dogs. Besides, these animals are prone to aggression towards strangers.
German Shepherd

Most often, the main characters of the stories about dog loyalty and heroism are the representatives of this particular breed. Veterans have thousands of stories to tell about how service dogs saved their lives. Here are just a few examples of hero dogs of the German Shepherd breed:
- Stormy has saved her owner’s life many times. One of such cases happened like this. Stormy stopped. She sensed something ahead. Danger. Her guide, Ron Aiello, saw nothing, but he learned to trust the instincts of war dogs, especially Stormy. He knelt down beside her, peering where the dog was looking. It was just in time. The sniper’s bullet whizzed right over his head.
- Nemo has saved his owner and the whole airbase from Viet Cong guerrillas. He served as a guard dog of 377 Squadron. On December 3, 1966, Viet Cong guerrillas approached the airbase and tried to seize it. The first onslaught was repulsed, and the next day Robert Thornburg and his dog Nemo went on patrol near the local cemetery. Near one of the graves, Nemo got worried, and not in vain. As it turned out, the Viet Cong guerrillas were hiding there. Both the dog and owner were injured. But Nemo didn’t care about the pain. He rushed to the enemies and managed to gain time, which was enough to call for help. Having driven off the Viet Cong guerrillas, the dog covered the owner with his body and didn’t move, even when help arrived. Both the owner and the dog survived.
- Chips participated in the campaigns of the Second World War in Africa, Italy, and France. Glory came to Chips during the Allied landings in Sicily in 1943. During the fierce fighting, a platoon of American soldiers, accompanied by Chips, came under heavy machine-gun fire from a peasant house. The squad couldn’t even raise their heads, but not Chips. The dog ran into the house, a noise was heard from there, and then the shots stopped. An Italian soldier stepped out of the door, grabbed by Chips. The dog was injured but immediately returned to duty after getting medical assistance in the hospital. Then came his next feat. Being on guard with the soldiers Chips smelled and neutralized a group of Italian soldiers. Then, Chips had many other missions. For example, he participated in ensuring the security of the meeting between US President Franklin Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. The dog was awarded by “Purple Heart”, “Silver Star”, “For Distinguished Service”, and returned home as a hero in 1945.
Another touching story confirming the loyalty of German shepherds happened in Australia. The faithful dog didn’t leave a 3-year-old child who got lost in the forest for 14 hours. The German Shepherd moved away from the baby only when his mother found him.
German Shepherds are hardy, decisive, courageous, and very smart. This helps them to master many commands and even make independent decisions. However, these dogs require much attention and daily exertion: both physical and mental. Therefore, it is suitable only for active people who have time to train a pet.

These good-natured dogs are completely and unconditionally devoted to their owners. Pets of this breed absolutely accept their owners’ rules and lifestyle. This is a perfect choice for large families as they get along well with humans of all ages including kids and seniors.
They are easy to train and will be happy to accompany their owners while jogging or to play active games with children.
They are non-conflicting, but if necessary, they will give a worthy rebuff. So, the collie is smart, loyal, friendly, gentle, active, and a good guard.
By nature, these dogs are just as adorable as collies are. They are friendly, affectionate, and intelligent. The only disadvantage is that this breed is hard to bear separation from the owner. Therefore, if you often travel, you will have to plan your journeys in such a way that allows you to take the dog together with you.
Labrador Retriever

The main character trait of this breed is the intolerance of loneliness. The pet needs to be close to the owner, serve and obey him. The Labrador is second to none when it comes to dedication and loyalty. But for this particular reason, it is not recommended to leave a pet alone for a long time.
Labradors are often trained for the most difficult canine “profession” of a seeing-eye dog. They have all the necessary features for this: complaisance, kindness, patience. A sharp mind for good orientation in any situation and quick memorization of routes. And, of course, loyalty, thanks to which the Labrador will never leave its owner in trouble.

Rottweilers are famous for their courage and willingness to protect the owner. Despite their formidable appearance and large size, they are loving and affectionate towards the family they live in.
Representatives of this breed are very intelligent and easy to train. They are suitable for calm and balanced, but overbearing persons. For example, the owners of country houses who need a companion and guard. These dogs tend to dominate, so a strong character is important for the owner so that the pet understands who is the boss.

In addition to being extremely loyal, Dobermans show high guarding abilities and are easily trained in defensive commands. This trait is successfully complemented by “silence”. These dogs very rarely give voice without a good reason. They brilliantly cope with the role of companions as they are eager to spend much time together with their owners.
But keep in mind that these dogs need regular exercise. If they lack physical activity and often stay at home alone, they may begin to show aggression. Also, same as Rottweilers, Dobermans tend to dominate. So, you need to show a pet since puppyhood who is the leader.
Cane Corso

Cane Corso is strong, fearless, restrained, balanced, stable, and calm. This Italian breed can bring peace and comfort to your home. This dog frightens ill-wishers only with its appearance and pleases owners with good nature, care, and devotion. Thanks to the impressive and formidable appearance representatives of this particular breed often guard boutiques, elite restaurants, and private properties of VIP persons. They also often accompany bodyguards for an increased level of security.
But don’t judge representatives of this breed only by their appearance. They are merciless only towards ill-wishers. With their family, they are very affectionate and gentle. They quickly get along with all family members, including children. Moreover, for their reverent attitude towards kids, the representatives of this particular breed are most often taught for serving as the dogs for canistherapy.
Siberian Husky

The majority of the owners of this breed say that these dogs are rather wayward. And they are quite right. Siberian huskies are very freedom-loving and active. Therefore, they can often disobey and mischief. But at the same time, they still have boundless love for the owners and always remain faithful to them.

Boxers are very loyal, affectionate, and easy to train. That’s why they often become successful guard and service dogs. But they have a peculiar character. Sometimes they can be moody and wayward. Therefore, to live happily together with a dog of this breed, train him from an early age, and don’t give indulgences in matters of obedience.